It was a Saturday afternoon, and I hadn't had a lot of sleep. My batteries were low, and I had been thinking about making this blog for some time, and in my hungover state I decided to take the first step.
It was a beautiful afternoon, and totally wasted on me being hungover. I was with Natalie having a bit of a stroll around the sights of our area, Camden Town. When most people think of Camden they think of greebos, the market and getting their photo taken with punks for a £1 or something. Oh, and those blokes that just sit on the street with bird whistles in their mouths tweeting away trying to flog them to gullible tourists.
Anyway, we had a stroll round Primrose Hill and arrived at The Albert. I like it in there and got all excited about the thought of having a Scotch Egg, then realised I'd had one of their home made Pork Pies before, not a Scotch Egg. We left. I was now hell bent on having one, when Natalie saved the day...
She mentioned The Southampton Arms in Kentish Town which she heard made them, and she wasn't wrong. It was the first time we had been there, and it's a fantastic pub. Loads of independent Lagers and Ales, a lovely little sun trap of a garden and a homely, comfortable interior. I arrived at the bar to put my order in and was hit with an absolute bombshell...
The Scotch Eggs were Vegetarian.
What a way to start a blog about Scotch Eggs, with an inferior one. Though to quote the great man himself (me) "every Scotch Egg is equal", so I continued.

It was big, nearly the size of a clenched fist, served on a metal plate with a small pot of mustard. I cut directly through the middle to reveal the beast in all its glory. A thin layer of breadcrumbs and a collection of barley, lentils, rice and seeds as a meat substitute.

It was tasty and I enjoyed it, but in all fairness, it was dry. Maybe it wasn't massively dry, but due to the size of it, it started to become a bit of a challenge to eat. The mustard was a nice touch, and in my opinion saved the day. I ate it all though (naturally), finished my CocaCola and left. I then thought to myself, how harshly am I going to mark such works of art? I'm usually quite generous with scoring stuff, but this has to change. This is a hub for debate and opinion, and I need to be honest. As my man Roy Walker said "It's good, but it's not right."

YES BOA! Cometh the man, cometh the scotch egg. Brilliant!